Making Self Care Fun and Easy Self care doesn't have to be costly. I want to make self care more accessible, simple, and more effing FUN. Learn my self care tip for feeling good, and quieting...
4 Types of Parenting Styles: How Do You Stack Up? It's 11pm and your child still won't brush their teeth. They're whining about how it's unfair that they have to go to bed now and can't they just stay up...
Fitness Playground Workout: Finding ‘Me-Time’ at the Playground We are busy. Kids, job, activities—oh god, the activities—you name it, we are busy with it. This means that sometimes we need to find creative places to exercise, shoehorned between...
Bed Yoga 101: Stay in Bed Longer? Yes, Please! Goat yoga. Puppy yoga. Acro yoga. Hot yoga. Yoga, yoga, yoga. It’s everywhere. New twists on the practice seem to pop up every other day. And yoga is wildly popular...
What Moving 3 Times Taught me about Self Care | Flowjo I had to move THREE times back to back.. and then I had a breakdown. Learn what i did to deal with all the stress. Read more.
Why I dress weird and why you should too. One day I asked myself, "What would my imaginary friend wear?" and then I was sent on a quest to discover who I really am, and why it's important to...